Our Programs

Our Programs

ALL the Programs are CONSCIOUSNESS based - Agriculture, Education, Health, Homes, and Arts and culture.

Vedic organic agriculture for Satvik food for villagers and the country at large. Transcendental Meditation to raise consciousness and creativity for children, farmers and all families. Sanskrit language, Yoga, Gita to all villagers as part of Sanatana Dharma.

Vedic Vibration and sound therapies for balancing and healing of Environment. Vedic Anushtan for Nature’s support for the agriculture, farmers and all villagers. Ayurveda for ideal health, prevention and treatment for certain ailments in the villagers, & plants. Vastu for homes and farms; Revival of local arts & crafts, culture and traditions.

(Vedic Vibration and sound therapies include - Vedic Anushtan, Vedic Yagya, Vedic Chanting, & Gandharva Ved)

In addition— create cottage industry for organically processed foods, oils, herbs, arts and sculpture etc. all coming from these villagers. Most of these villages have ancient history of traditions, arts & crafts, and enlightened saints. Some of them have been places of pilgrimage and rich heritage. They can be modernised to attract people from across the country and the world. The expansion in tourism will create many jobs. They can become Natural retreats for all age groups to spend a few days or weekends and rejuvenate mind, body and spirit.

We create opportunities for self-employment, cottage industry, self-sufficiency to the growing young generation.